Dienstag, 23. Januar 2018

Woche 4 - Weekly Challenges

Joey feiert Jubiläum! Herzichen Glückwunsch zum 200sten Challenge! Und herzlichen Dank für ihr Engagment, jede Woche eine neue Idee zu finden, mit der sie die Tangler immer wieder aus der Reserve lockt. Zu ihrem Jubiläum hat Joey die offizielle Aufteilung der Zeichnung String 165 und das Muster Exeter vorgegeben. Ich habe zwei Versionen gezeichnet, eine schwarz-weiße und eine farbige.

Schon mehrfach hat Laura am Moebius-Syndrom-Tag die Tangler aufgefordert, die Moebius-Schleife mit Mustern zu gestalten, weil ihr jüngster Sohn, glücklicherweise nicht allzu schwer, an dieser seltenen Nervenkrankheit leidet. Ich hatte bereits in den vergangenen Jahren, schon lange bevor ich diesen Blog ins Leben gerufen habe, mitgezeichnet. Hier eine aktuelle Kachel in schwarz-weiß und zwei farbige aus dem letzten und vorletzten Jahr.

In Adeles Vorzeichnung sollen die Muster Jester, Bales und Bubbles integriert werden. Ich habe zwei Mal auf farbigen Untergrund gezeichnet und dabei die Muster ähnlich platziert um unterschiedliche Möglichkeiten zu erproben. Bei der zweiten Version habe ich mehr mit den Mustern gespielt.


27 Kommentare:

  1. Everything is so lovely! I love the colors in your Joey tile!

  2. Your tiles are so beautifully done! I have no idea what you write about my challenges (Google translate doesn't work very well) but I am so glad to see your visual art each week!

    1. Thank you very much for your kind words, Joey.
      I wrote that you are celebrating a jubilee. Congratulations to the 200th Challenge! And thank you very much for your commitment finding a new idea every week. For your anniversary, you have given the official string 165 and the pattern Exeter. I drew two versions, one black and white and one colored.

  3. Me too like the colours in Joey's challenge tile. Especially Exeter is wonderful drawn on that tile.
    My favorite tile of the Moebius syndrome is the first one but I like them all tree.

    1. Thank you very much, Ria!
      Exeter is a very nice pattern. I will use it in future mor often.
      My favorite Moebius tile is the first one also.

  4. The Exeter tiles are so beautiful, and the diva challenge tiles too!

  5. I think your brain must be overcrowded with an abundance of tangles. While I struggle and lose valuable drawing time to get 3 together, you seem to just pour them onto paper!!! Great collection, Margaarete, b&W and colored.

    1. Thank you very much, Susie!
      In contrast to your well-considered and perhaps even meticulously planned wonderful tiles I draw always very spontaneous and often not so well considered. Then I try the next tile, often with the same approach, to avoid mistakes, but sometimes make new ones or change the whole thing. Often my tiles are overloaded. Like my husband comments, I am filling every pixel of the paper, because I cannot stop. Then I have to begin a new tile with a new reduced idea. And so on and on. That's why I am producing so much.

    2. I make one sketch.....then I study it......then I correct it (repeat last 2 actions several times!)........then I look at it from the left, the right, from high up through binoculars, and lying flat on the desk through a magnifying glass. This may take a lot of hours to several days. When the sketch passed inspections, I draw the tile. Therefore, you exposed me for what I am, a "meticulous planner"; hence you are the artist and I am the pencil.

    3. I can imagine your method very well. Years ago, I used to do technical drawings and there I had to go meticulous steps. It took me long time to change this way of extremely precise working in all areas and learn to work less cramped while freehand drawing. Nevertheless, I'm not very happy with spontaneity. I think every approach has advantages and disadvantages. And art can be performed so versatile and in such different ways. There are precise artists who are methodical and spontaneous who work without precise planning. One cannot say, one way is better than the other. Sometimes I want to be more patient and accurate again and would like to proceed more planned. In any case I admire your sophisticated drawing style very much and you are a very innovative artist!

  6. Hallo liebe Margarete, über Joey's Seite bin ich auf dich gestossen. Deine wunderschönen Zentangle begeistern mich. Nach längerer Pause habe ich wieder Lust zum tangeln und meine Seite wiederzubeleben. Hoffe, wir lesen uns wieder.
    Liebe Grüsse aus der Schweiz

    1. Es freut mich sehr, dass Dir meine Tangles so gut gefallen, liebe Esther! Es ist schön, dass Du wieder Zeichnen möchtest und Deinen Blog wieder aufleben lässt. Denn was ich dort auf die Schnelle gesehen habe, ist sehr viel versprechend!

    2. Danke für dein Lob, liebe Margarete. Den Neustart hab ich geschafft. LG Esther

  7. Wow! Everything here is so rich and lush. I love it all;-)

  8. Beautiful tiles! They all feel so full of life!! The colors are especially beautiful. The last tile on the page is so vibrant. Just wonderful :)

    1. Thank you very much, Lisa!
      Your contribution to Joey's challenge is very nice and elegant!

  9. Rich colors, bold patterns...you combine things so well, and there is such abundance in your work! all of them are wonderful, but your colored tiles are my faves.

    1. Thank you very much, HeidiSue!
      I like your contribution for Joey in it's warm colours!

  10. As always, your production is impressive both in quantity and quality. Your colored Moebius Syndrome Awareness Day tile inspires hope and reflects the information the Zentangle Diva shared about Artoo's progress. Although I think all your compositions are lovely, my favorite is the last one. The colors are vibrant and the tangling over them works well.

    1. Thank you very much, Suzanne!
      I drew the two color versions of the Moebius logo in such an easy way that they could also be fun for Artoo.

  11. Wieder einmal ein Augenschmaus, liebe Margarete! Mir gefällt dein ganz eigener Stil und jedes kleine Werk hat seinen eigenen Charme und Ausdruck. Mir gefällt dieses Mal ganz besonders die erste Kachel. Das würde ich gerahmt bei mir aufhängen ... es ist wünderschön!
    Liebe Grüße, Annnette

    1. Vielen Dank für Dein Lob, liebe Annette! Wir haben offensichtlich einen ähnlichen Geschmack, denn aus dieser Serie gefällt mir auch die erste Kachel am besten.

  12. Oh that Joey tile! You've achieved a three dimensional quality for Exeter...just amazing! and of course your bold colors are striking. Good work, all of it!
