Dienstag, 1. August 2017

Woche 31 - Weekly Challenges

Bei der DIVA ist diese Woche Henrike Bratz aus Deutschland Gast-Bloggerin mit dem von mir frei interpretierten Thema "Die DIVA tanzt in Lissabon". Das heißt, sie hat Lauras Muster Diva dancing und ihr eigenes Lisbon fragment gewählt. Weitere Muster können nach Belieben ergänzt werden. 
Ich habe als Grundlage wieder einmal einen Ausschnitt eines farblich veränderten Aquarells verwendet. Warme sonnige Farben sind mein Zugeständnis an unser sommerliches Wetter.

Bei Joey ist diese Woche Trudi Taylor zu Gast. Sie stellt das Muster Tropicana als Ausgangsmuster zum Tanglen vor, bei dem Verschlingungen vor und hinter den anderen Mustern eingesetzt werden können. Damit es nicht nur farbig und nicht langweilig wird, habe ich klassisch in schwarz-weiß gezeichnet.

Bei Adele Brunos "It's a string thing" war wieder ein Rahmen zum tanglen vorgegeben, kombiniert mit den Mustern Funbee von Beate Winkler, Pach von Judy Okawa und Yincut von Maria Thomas. Ich habe zwei Versionen gezeichnet, eine schwarz-weiße und eine farbige, die mir eigentlich zu dunkel geraten ist. Ich zeige sie trotzdem beide hier.

16 Kommentare:

  1. That yellow and gold challenge tile is excellent, both in terms of colour and your drawing. Very skillful.

    1. Thank you very much! I like to play with colors and patterns.

  2. I can't really read what you write, but from Margaret's comment, I'm guessing it was done for a color challenge. It has a very fall look and the Lisbon Fragment fits nicely in the composition.

    1. The background of my drawing is a detail from one of my watercolors, which I have changed at the pc in color and size. I thought, it looks like hot summer, but you are right, these red and golden colors more look like fall.

  3. I keep seeing the lovely Tangles you and several others do with a watercolour background and I'm so afraid to try it. I seem to panic at the thought of trying to fit my Tangles into it. Very nice work Margarete, I really enjoyed your black and white with Tropicana too.

    1. Thank you for your kind comment. You must not be afraid to draw tangles on a watercolor background. I think, the colors show you the way to tangle like a string. I like to play with these backgrounds. They open up a new dimension for tangling.

  4. Two totally different approches: black/white and colourfull, I like them both but this week, my favorite is the one, you have made for Joey, I love the "flowery" pattern inside. Nice 3D effect.

    1. Thank you. First I didn't know exactly, what to do with this tropicana tile. Spontaneously I draw the little flower in the middle of the tile.

  5. I have to agree with Jean about the warm fall look of your first tile, but this time I have to say the b/w tile for Joey/Trudi is not only very interesting, I also love what you did with those framing bands.

    1. Thank you, Susie! I like flying or tangling ribbons. It is always interesting how a Drawing develops from a given pattern. I am often surprised what I do spontaneously after not knowing exactly where to begin.

  6. Very talented portrayals of the Lisbon Fragment tangle. I could only get it to work one way. I like the colors you chose too.

  7. Antworten
    1. Thank you. Sometimes I am amazed how my tangles are developing and show "me".

  8. Nice autumn colors in your challenge tile. Lots of great tangles. You did well on the Lisbon fragments.
